Bety Krňanská


1 skladem

Kresba A4, 150s/qm, archival ink.

Bety Krnanska (b. 1992) is an artist based in Prague, Czech Republic and Athens, Greece. She is a graduate of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Her work combines elements of figurative and abstract art, driven by her personal encounters with real-life objects, typography, and two-dimensional imagery. Her work employs pictorial motifs, ornamental symbols, and a wide selection of materials, to- wards an artistic process with emphasis on spontaneous gestural expression. Krnans- ka’s work has been exhibited at home and abroad, including the exhibition Žen* – Růže – Píseň – Kost at the Display gallery, Prague, curated by Hana Janečková and group exhibition The WORLDS at Drawing Triennalle, Wroclaw, curated by Honza Zamojski.

Související produkty
KRESBA 6 Bety Krňanská  7,200  0
CROCODILE Rop Van Mierlo  1,950
KRESBA 3 Bety Krňanská  7,200  0
DRAWING 24 Ronan Bouroullec  1,950